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2200 Calorie Paleo Shred

2200 Calorie Paleo Shred

This meal plan is for those looking to take their nutrition to that NEXT LEVEL.


I would only recommend this plan to those who are serious about their fitness and nutrition and are willing to commit to this plan for a minimum of 30 days.


It is geared toward the Paleo or Caveman diet with a few simple additions to make life a bit easier. 


This plan will tell you what to eat, and when to eat it.



The Paleolithic diet, Paleo diet, caveman diet, or stone-age diet is a diet consisting of foods thought by its proponents to mirror those eaten by humans during the Paleolithic era. The diet avoids processed foods and GMO's.



What you get:

3 full days of targeted macros, calories and meal windows which is critical in order to achieve optimal results.


Over 200g of protein per day with close to 100g of carbs.


Substitutions for vegitarians and vegans.


24/7 Communication with a trainer to answer any questions you may have.


Cheat meal guidance


Once purchased, a PDF file will be sent to your email.



10 Benefits of this plan:

1. Balances Blood Glucose Levels

2. Leaner Muscles

3. Avoids Whet & Gluten

4. Better Sleep

5. Higher Fat Loss

6. Avoids Processed Foods & GMO's

7. More Energy

8. Cuts Out 'Empty' Carbs

9. Reduces Inflammation

10. Effortless Weight Loss

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