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Strength & Stamina

Health and Fitness is not only about what your body looks like on the outside, but also on the inside! 
Check out some of the workouts below that has individuals around the world pushing harder, faster, and stronger than ever.

How to do a H.I.I.T. Workout
KennyTRY Training

How to do a H.I.I.T. Workout

HIIT is highly adaptable for varying fitness levels and goals, which partly explains its popularity among everybody from elite athletes to cardiac rehab patients. It can be performed on gym equipment such as static bikes, treadmills and rowing machines or through bodyweight plyometrics. HIIT has been shown to improve fitness, cardiovascular health, cholesterol profiles and insulin sensitivity, which helps stabilize blood glucose or sugar levels – of particular significance to diabetics. HIIT also reduces fat – both abdominal and the deep, visceral kind that engulfs your inner organs – while maintaining muscle mass or, in less active individuals, increasing it. HIIT beats continuous moderate-intensity exercise when it comes to releasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that protects nerve cells. This promotes plasticity (the forming of new connections, which aids learning and memory) and may even help regulate eating, drinking and body weight. Perhaps HIIT’s biggest selling point is its efficiency: a workout can last up to an hour, but it can also be completed in 20 minutes or less. Tabata, one of the most well-known HIIT protocols, consists of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times for a total of just four minutes, not counting the warm-up and cool-down. Check out our blog for weekly updates on all things fitness, nutrition and healthy living: Instagram: Facebook: Inquire: Coach Kyle #REAPSOULS
Unlock Your Body | Stretch Routine
KennyTRY Training

Unlock Your Body | Stretch Routine

Professional sprinters sometimes spend an hour warming up for a race that lasts about 10 seconds. In fact, it’s common for many athletes to perform dynamic stretches in their warmup and static stretches in their cooldown to help keep their muscles healthy. Even if you’re not an athlete, including stretches in your daily routine has many benefits. Not only can stretching help you avoid injuries, but it may also help slow down age-related mobility loss and improve circulation. ~ Follow along with Coach Kyle in this 15min static stretch routine ~ Benefits: Decreased injury risk. Improved athletic performance. Focusing on dynamic stretches before exercising may improve your athletic performance by reducing joint restrictions Improved circulation. A static stretching program improves blood vessel function. Increased range of motion. A 2019 study of 24 young adults found that both static and dynamic stretching can improve your range of motion. Less pain. Stretching routines are able to significantly reduce pain caused by poor posture. Relaxation. Many people find that stretching with deep and slow breathing helps promote feelings of relaxation. Be sure to subscribe to the website blog where we discuss all things fitness & nutrition. Check me out on social media! Email me directly to work together: Coach Kyle #REAPSOULS
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